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Pregnancy Chiropractic At Sprouting Life Chiropractic

Without a doubt, nothing is more important to the health of the entire family than the journey of pregnancy, labor andIMG_0227 delivery, and the postpartum period.

Unfortunately, in today’s traditional health care system, being pregnant has become a diagnosis; filled with tests, stress, anxiety, and intervention.

This approach has led to so many women experiencing not just pain and discomfort during pregnancy, but huge amounts of stress and anxiety, exhaustion, fear, and overwhelm.

At Sprouting Life Chiropractic, we know this does not have to be the case for you and your pregnancy journey. We help women every day to have the pregnancy they have always dreamed of! Filled with joy, excitement, and empowerment.

IMG_0244Empower You Every Step Of The Way

Getting specific, neurologically-based, chiropractic adjustments during the prenatal and postpartum phase, just may change your mind about what pregnancy should be and how it should feel! It can reduce stress, boost energy, help with sleep, decrease pain, ensure proper positioning of baby, and truly help prepare your body for a natural childbirth – not to mention being surrounded by a team of incredible people who will absolutely support and empower you every step of the way.

Highly Trained

Our doctor is not only the most highly trained (Webster’s technique, you may have heard of it for baby positioning), but also the most experienced. Dr. Lauren has been practicing for over 13 years, and holds certifications in prenatal and family chiropractic. Pregnancy is the most exciting and most rewarding time, and we would love to be a part of your journey!

Schedule Today

Contact us today to begin family care!

Pregnancy Chiropractic Chattanooga TN | (423) 287-5075